The Cure, The Explanation, The Clear Affair: 2-[Directed Study/Teacher’s Edition]: Book 2: The Meaning of Worship & Innovation In Islaam


This work is based upon commentaries of the work ‘Usul as-Sunnah’ of, Imaam Ahmad, may ‎Allaah have ‎mercy upon him.It is designed to help you, as a Muslim, identify the correct ‎sources, principles, and beliefs of the evidenced ‎methodology of Islaam upon scholarship and proofs, in order to be able to distinguished what opposes them.‎

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  • What is the differences between the editions of the course books [self-study/directed study/workbook]? The majority of these course books all follow our established framework of utilizing three different type print publications that complement each other in various situations. This is a overview of what is found in each type of book or edition.   [Self-Study/Teachers Edition] - all course materials, all appendices, and answer key for all exercises, quizzes and final exam   [Directed Study Edition] - all course materials, appendices, NO answer keys   [Exercise Workbook]NO course materials, NO appendices, NO answer key -only expanded course workbook formatted to facilitate homework and testing   The general advice is that for individual study just order the self-study edition and everything you need is in one book and volume.  This also works well when you will be using the books to teach or review everything verbally, even if in a group setting, but with no written work.   The directed study editions are generally only for group or home study and not intended for use outside of a classroom or study group setting as they lack an answer key. You are able to have children read, complete written exercises, and then assess how much they actually understood, by going over the correct answers from study edition later.   The directed study editions contain the same the quizzes and tests as the workbook. The main difference between the answer/quiz/test area in the directed study edition and that of the workbooks is that:  
    1. a) The questions are completely separated from the text of study
    2. b) there is much more space in the workbook to write all answers, and complete quizzes and tests- and then be able to hand them in the teacher while still having your book to review and study.
      It important to note that the workbook does not contain any study text or material which are part of the main book. It is only intended to be used with one of the main books. Many people use the direct study editions, in situations where the teacher/facilitator has the one self-study copy but everyone else only has directed study editions to be able to read, review, and work on exercises and then write out their answers on separate sheets of paper to hand in to the teacher later, or just review in a group setting and correct together. Others, in a similar situation, get the workbooks and then collect the workbooks to grade, before class, the questions, homework, and quizzes of students completed from the previous chapter before preceding to the next chapter. It is not essential or required to get the workbooks, they just make it easier for both the students and the teacher for reviewing, checking, and testing in a more organized manner. This is especially true for weekend schools or large study groups. And the success is from Allaah alone.

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