Lastly, he takes a division of the people from the Qur’aan which we all know from Surah al-Faatihah:
1. The People of Beneficial Knowledge and Righteous Actions
2. The People who have Knowledge but do not act upon it
3. The People who have good deeds but no Knowledge
and indicates that this failure to have a strong consistent bond between sound beneficial knowledge and righteous deeds and endeavors, is something which is normally found with the astray sects present among the Muslims who have strayed from the straight path and the believers’ way of the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar.
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Lesson 8: The False Claim That Clarifying Islaam Separates Us (Benefit)
Point of Benefit: 08. It will never be possible to truly unite the Ummah except upon these two matters: the...
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