But even then the issue remains, what scholars do we take knowledge from? And for many Muslims who do not speak Arabic, in many countries with few if any scholars, which students of knowledge can help us reach the knowledge we are seeking. Today, there are many many people who attribute themselves to the endeavor of calling to and teaching Islaam. This is something clear as day to every Muslim who looks around while trying to learn Islaam correctly, especially due to the ease of using the internet to spread and take knowledge today. Yet could all of these different people equally be considered valid and suitable sources of taking authentic knowledge of Islaam? The sheikh makes clear to us that the answer is no, and that we must distinguish between people according to several characteristics.
book: https://taalib.link/methodologiesss preview: https://taalib.link/methodologies
‘Usul as-Sunnah’ Book 1 (The Relationship Between One’s Beliefs & Methodology) – In fact you must love Allaah more than anything else….
Ibn Taymeeyah, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: Submission and love are integral parts of Allaah's worship ('ibaadah) one...
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