“We might summarize the areas of discussion for these other essential aspects found within the guidance of the answer of Sheikh al-Fauzaan, may Allaah preserve him, into the following:
WHO: careful consideration of who we take our knowledge from as Muslims
WHICH: proper selection of which specific works, books, and subjects we initially choose to study
WHERE: careful consideration of the suitable institutions and places within society to seek Sharee’ah knowledge
HOW: careful consideration the correct way to study, to avoid known incorrect methods or pitfalls when seeking knowledge” book: https://taalib.link/methodologiesss preview: https://taalib.link/methodologies
Lesson 8: The False Claim That Clarifying Islaam Separates Us (Benefit)
Point of Benefit: 08. It will never be possible to truly unite the Ummah except upon these two matters: the...
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