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- Create Date Mon _21 _August _2017AH 21-8-2017AD
- Last Updated Mon _14 _June _2021AH 14-6-2021AD
30 Days of Guidance: Learning Fundamental Principles of Islaam - [Book 1] Preview
This is the preview edition for our publication:
30 Days of Guidance: Learning Fundamental Principles of Islaam
A Short Journey Within the Work al-Ibanah al-Sughrah With Sheikh ‘Abdul-Azeez Ibn ‘Abdullah ar-Raajhee
[Self-Study/Teachers Edition]
This book is divided into thirty daily selections of one or more related statements or narrations along with a brief explanation and practical discussion on implementing their guidance in our lives from the well known scholar: Sheikh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn ‘Abdullah ar-Raajhee, may Allaah preserve him. It also has several beneficial appendixes that discuss some related topics in greater detail.
This course book has 30 daily lessons:
Day 01: The Importance Of Asking To Be Guided In What You Say & Do
Day 02: The Clear Guidance Of The Final Messenger Is For All Humanity
Day 03: There Is A Single Straight Path Surrounded By Other False Paths.
Day 04: Every Ummah Divided But Those Upon The Truth Remain
Day 05: Allaah Is With Those Who Remained Upon Revealed Guidance
Day 06: Allaah Has Ordered Us To Stand United Upon The Truth & Not Divide
Day 07: Every Name That Opposes The Guidance Of The Sunnah Is Rejected
Day 08: The Strangeness Of Islaam Is Something Expected
Day 09: That One Individual Whose Religion You Should Stand Upon
Day 10: The Sunnah Is Revealed Knowledge From Allaah
Day 11: Hold Firmly To The Sunnah As The Rope Of Allaah
Day 12: Success Is To The Degree You Adhere To The Sunnah
Day 13: The Incredible Reward For Firmly Holding To The Sunnah
Day 14: Follow The Prophet’s Sunnah & That Of His Guided Successors
Day 15: Do Not Speak Against The Best Of Generations
Day 16: Know That Knowledge Is Received And Can Be Lost
Day 17: The Reality of the People of Misguidance & Their Deceptions
Day 18: The Believers Are Distinct Upon Revealed Guidance
Day 19: Advice of The Companions ‘Uthman, ‘Alee & Ibn ‘Abbaas
Day 20: Those Astray Turned Away From The Guidance Brought To Them
Day 21: The People Of Misguidance Want You To Turn From Revealed Guidance
Day 22: Those Who Debate Frequently Change Their Religion
Day 23: The Blessing of Learning the Sunnah When Young
Day 24: The Importance Of Both Loving & Hating For Allaah’s Sake
Day 25: A Person Stands Upon The Religion Of His Close Companion
Day 26: Innovation That Is Disbelief Destroys All Ones’ Good Deeds
Day 27: Innovations In Islaam May Mislead You To Leave Islaam
Day 28: The One Who Changes Islaam Is Cursed By Allaah & Creation
Day 29: Repentance from Innovation Must Be Clear & Apparent
Day 30: What Religion Will You Die Upon?
The scholar Ibn Battah al-'Akbaree, in the introduction to his original work from which this book has been compiled, stated,
"When I saw the condition of the general people, and what had appeared among them, what had become commonplace among them of satisfaction with appalling and atrocious false desires, the many prevailing false ideas, the distortion of their proper ways, and their replacing of the true practice of their religion, such that this had inevitably become the cause for them dividing and separating among themselves, for opening a door for afflictions, for blindness to descend over their hearts, the loss of their unity and good relations, as well as the splitting up of their united body. When I saw that that they had taken the Book of Allaah and thrown it behind their backs, embracing ignorance and misguidance as lords and masters over their various affairs...
...Due to this, I then gathered within this book a selection of what we have heard, and a portion of what has been transmitted to us from the leading scholars of the religion and the well know people of the Muslims in what they have transmitted to us from the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, may Allaah's praise and salutations be upon him. Taking from this what specifically is connected to the requirement of the believers to follow him, what
they have been ordered to do of adhering to his Sunnah and proceeding upon his established path, as well as following his guidance and finding sufficiency in everything that has been narrated from him....”
The book can be purchased here : https://taalib.com/4134
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