Week 13 : The guided Muslims following the first generation avoid speculation and debates…. Series “It is not from the way”

This entry is part 13 of 15 in the series It is not from the way of the first three generations

Sheikh Muhammad Baazmool, may Allaah preserve him said,

“It is not from the way of the first three generations of Muslims to enter extensively into speculative discussions and opinion based debates. Rather they put forth the utmost effort into fundamentally understanding Islaam from the book of Allaah and the Sunnah, then acting according to these two sources and inviting the people to them.”

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Taken from the book ’30 Days of Guidance: Learning Fundamental Principles of Islaam ‘ : https://taalib.link/30daysbeliefss

free book preview: https://taalib.link/30daysbelief

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