Fifty Scholastic Observations Regarding The Muslim Brotherhood [13 of 50]

This entry is part 14 of 49 in the series 50 Scholastic Observations About the Muslim Brotherhood

Sheikh Sheikh ‘Abdullah an-Najmee, may Allaah preserve him, said,

’13 – The Muslim Brotherhood group and organization has a general organizational laxness and negligence regarding seeking authentic knowledge of Islaam. Even though there are exceptions to this as found among some of their adherents in countries such as Saudi Arabia, it generally applies. This severe deficiency is a strong factor in many of their other destructive characteristics and tendencies. They show a lack of attention to consistently learning the fundamental matters of tawheed and the authentic Sunnah, except when it serves as a support for their overall political aims and objectives. This weak connection to knowledge is also clearly reflected in their weak attachment to the noble scholars in our age who have that correct focus, and sound orientation, meaning learning and teaching tawheed in belief and practice and the authentic Sunnah as a whole. It can also be seen in the traditional books they choose for whatever lessons they do have or promote, books which do contain benefit, but only in areas of Islam they consider non-confrontational. They avoid those books which would highlight, address, or propose a true remedy to the severe shortcomings of modern day Muslims in the understanding and practice of worshiping Allaah alone, which they consider divisive. The importance of speaking and warning about innovated practices and forbidden actions at graves which are regularly witnessed in many Muslim countries requires both giving the same importance to this which the Prophet did, as well as possessing the knowledge to clarify these errors, neither of which has been shown to be reflected in this group and its leaders throughout its long history. ‘

(From his work ‘A Gathering Of Scattered Observations Which Have Been Written Regarding The Muslim Brotherhood’) 1



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  1. Translated by Abu Sukhailah Khalil Ibn-Abelahyi
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