Week 09: The first generations followed the Companion’s terminology and principles in explaining the Book and the Sunnah …. Series “It is not from the way”

This entry is part 9 of 15 in the series It is not from the way of the first three generations

Sheikh Muhammad Baazmool, may Allaah preserve him said,

“It is not from the way of the first three generations of Muslims to invent new guidelines and developed principles according to one’s opinion. The way of the Salaf was to follow closely the established terminology found in the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Such that in their rulings and statements they did not give meanings to verses or hadeeth narrations that were inconsistent and not possibly correct.”

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Taken from the book ’30 Days of Guidance: Learning Fundamental Principles of Islaam ‘ : https://taalib.link/30daysbeliefss

free book preview: https://taalib.link/30daysbelief

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