My Hijaab, My Path Pocket Edition 2 – The War on Hijaab

This easy to use pocket edition contains the full text of Sheikh Muhammad al-Imaam’s incredible book, “The War on the Hijaab,” originally included in “My Hijaab, My Path. In his concise and ground-breaking treatise, the Sheikh breaks down the war on the Muslimah, and through this, on Islaam, into three sections. They are: The Warfare of Speech and Pen, The Campaign Whose Weapon is Force against the Hijaab and those who Adhere to it” and “The Campaign to Alter the Hijaab.” Every Muslim woman should have a copy of this book, in order to fortify herself for the battles she will have to face if she adheres to the Islamically legislated hijaab.

Collected and Arranged by Umm Mujaahid Khadijah Bint Lacina al-Amreekiyyah

[Available: NOW ¦ pages: 90+ ¦ Size: soft cover]


About the Compiler & Translator
Publishers Introduction
Compilers Introduction

Introduction of Sheikh Muhammad al-Imaam,may Allaah preserve him

The First Campaign: The Warfare of Speech & Pen

The Second Campaign: The Campaign whose Weapon is Force Against the Hijaab & those who Adhere to it

The Third Campaign: The Campaign to Alter the Islamic Hijaab

The Nakhlah Educational Series: Mission and Methodology (Pocket Edition)

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