Thalaathatul-Usool: Three Fundamental Principles- [Exercise WorkBook]

A complete course for the believing men and women who want to learn their religion from the ground up, building a firm foundation upon which to base their lives, focus, and actions. This is the second in our series on Islamic beliefs and making them a reality in your life which began with “al-Waajibat: The Obligatory Matters.” This course utilizes various commentaries of Sheikh Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahaab’s original text from the following scholars of our age:
– Sheikh ‘Abdul ‘Aziz ibn Baaz
– Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Utheimeen
– Sheikh Saalih Ibn Sa’d as-Suhaymee
– Sheikh Saalih al-Fauzaaan –
– Sheikh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee
– Sheikh Saalih aal Sheikh – and others
(in addition to various statements of scholars of the Sunnah throughout the centuries)

Course Features:
Thalaathatul Usool Arabic Text and English Translation
Courses are divided into twenty-five lessons which discuss such vital topics as:

– “Who is your Lord?” – “Who is your Prophet?” – “What is your religion?”
– The Pillars of Islaam- The Pillars of Faith
– Having Allegiance to the Believers and How to Deal with Them
– How to Deal with the Disbelievers in the Correct Manner
– Commanding the Good and Forbidding the Evil
– Emigration to the Lands of Islaam
– How to Make Islaam a Reality in Your Life
– How to Put into Practice all that you Learn in this Course, insh’Allaah
– Review Questions and Vocabulary after each Chapter, along with Quizzes and Tests
– A Compilation of Points of Benefit Found Throughout the Book

This exercise workBook contains only the questions, quizzes and tests from the textbook, which must be purchased separately.

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