Sheikh Zayd Ibn Muhammad al-Madkhalee, may Allaah have mercy upon him, indicated that investigating these issues enables us to be close to the people of truth and guidance, and far from those who are misguided,
It is upon you, oh you who has reached the age of responsibility, to search and investigate the characteristics of the people of emaan in relation to their statements and their deeds and endeavors, and strive to be distinguished by them. As within embodying these characteristics there is found realizing a good blessed life in this world, in the world of the grave, and in the world of the hereafter.
Likewise be warned away from the characteristics of the people of evil-doing and corruption, so that you can separate yourself from those characteristics from every direction of distancing yourself from them. Pay attention and be aware and warned away from them, as doing this is what brings about healing and relief in both this world and the next.
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Lesson 3: Principle: The people of the Sunnah and the Jamaa’ah believe that adherence to the Jamaa’ah is the foundation from the foundations of the religion.