It is necessary to put forth concerted efforts, especially in relation to the young Muslims

Sheikh Zayd Ibn Muhammad al-Madkhalee, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said,

‘…It is necessary to put forth concerted efforts, especially in relation to the young Muslims, in order that they gain Sharee’ah knowledge. This is in order that the younger Muslims take on the knowledge possessed by the older knowledgeable Muslims among them. Then when one of the older Muslims who had Sharee’ah knowledge dies and returns to his Lord, his knowledge remains with those living who still carry it, meaning his students, regardless of whether that be a few or many students.””’

(From Nuzhat al-Qaaree fee Sharh Kitaab al-Ilm min Saheeh al-Bukhaaree) 1 


  From ’30 Days of Guidance: Learning Fundamental Principles of Islaam’  



  1.  Translated by Abu Sukhailah Khalil Ibn-Abelahyi 
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